Geotas and Geogrids
Geogrids are reinforcing meshes designed to reduce the volume of aggregate that needs to go onto a certain project, like a road or foundation, or to provide a stabilisation system for weak or otherwise unstable soils and subgrades. These systems can be deployed to secure your retaining wall, strengthen your road, or to drastically lengthen the life of your pavements. For over 25 years Geotas has been the Tasmanian distributor for Geofabrics Australasia and their geogrids, so if you need advice or more information, our years of experience is ready and available to you.
Tensar Triax

Tensar Triax is a geogrid designed to be laid under roads, railways, airport aprons and other heavy-duty pavements to provide in interlock foundation for aggregate placed on top. Having been in constant development and refinement for over 30 years, Tensar Triax is the most advanced geogrid on the market today. Utilising the strongest shape, the triangle, Tensar Triax can provide a multidirectional reinforcing stability and an increased bearing capacity when compared to traditional biaxial grids.
Tensar Biax

Tensar Biaxial geogrids are a durable and efficient method of reducing the thickness of your aggregate while simultaneously increasing the life of the pavement. These geogrids are perfect for use in stabilising soils and aggregates on temporary roads, working platforms, foundations, and haul roads. They work when granular particles are compacted over them, partially penetrating, and inter-locking with the apertures to create a rigid structure that serves as a solid foundation for the project on top.
Tensar RE

Tensar RE uniaxial geogrids are specialised for use in the construction and reinforcement of retaining walls and bridge abutments, typically using TW3 concrete blocks or concrete panel wall facings. Designed to interlock with fill material and being highly durable due to having been rigorously tested alongside the Tensar geogrids for the last 30 years, Tensar RE has a deign life of up to 120 years. Tensar can be precast into concrete facings and then once onsite can be seamlessly integrated to the retaining wall surface and RE reinforcement, with the simple connection process using bodkins.
TenCate Miragrid GX

TenCate Miragrid GX is a reinforcement geogrid designed for soil on slopes and walls as well as basal reinforcement for embankments and being manufactured from high modulus polyester yarns ensures the long-term structural stability of reinforced soil structures and as a veneer reinforcement. Suitable for a wide range of soils, and with a high resistance to biological and chemical effects, TenCate Miragrid GX is perfect for the reinforcement of sands, clays, and aggregates with a particle size of up to 65mm.

Geoweb was initially developed by Presto Geosystems and the US Army Corp of Engineers, to allow heavy vehicles to travel over soft ground. It is quite often used In situations where there is continual use of very high wheel load vehicles in use, like container transport yards.
The Geoweb system consists of a robust three-dimensional structure housing a network of interconnected cells that confine and compact soil. The confinement action prevents erosion and improves the structural performance of the soil or aggregate infill providing an alternative to reinforced concrete or armour. The Geoweb cellular confinement system comes in collapsed, lightweight panels which can be handled easily and safely onsite.