Horticulture & Aquaculture
The Directors at Geotas have a reasonably intimate knowledge of this sector, with Gerald being owner of the very successful “Meadowbank Estate” vineyard, and Chris being involved in the grazing industry. Our practical experience with various products and their use and installation means you can rely on our advice.

Geotas have supplied the Ecotrellis vineyard system to numerous clients over the recent years, and have also assisted with installation, so we understand your requirements.
Ecotrellis have been very proactive in responding to growers needs, and have developed a range of systems to suit vineyards, berry, and cherry production. All systems are simple to install, galvanized steel, and environmentally friendly. The vineyard system is also designed to be compatible with Klima pruning machines, and auto harvesting equipment.
Check out our page on the Hulk earth anchors, for a long life, dependable anchoring system for end strainers.

Parafence has performed very successfully at numerous locations in Tasmania, where it has been deployed to protect the leading edge of horticultural crops from wind damage. The product works as a wind filter, so it reduces the damaging effects of high winds, while allowing enough air to flow through the product, so that wind turbulence does not create a problem further into the crop, like would be the case with a solid structure.
Geotas carry a range of other products that may be useful in conjunction with vineyard or orchard establishment:
- Vineguards
- Ag Drain / Megaflo
- Culvert pipes
- FilterWrap geotextiles
- High strength geotextiles and geogrids for access roads and tracks
- Dam liners, including installation ( see our geosynthetic lining systems web page)
- Erosion control products for establishing grassed areas, or establishing plants
- Tree planting requirements
- Marker posts / guideposts / delineation
- Installation of rural fencing
Geotas continues to support the Tasmanian Aquaculture sector in a range of areas, and stands ready to assist customers with a vast selection of products and support network, that can be used to solve your problem, whether it be HDPE lining of waste ponds, safety barriers to protect assets, or FRP grating , we can help.
BST Oyster Supplies
BST Oyster Supplies have developed and marketed an innovative range of products that suit the system of growing oysters, called the Adjustable Longline System.
Adjustable Longline Innovative Farming System Advantages:
- Lets you manage your oysters more efficiently, producing a much better oyster.
- Construction is much cheaper than traditional methods.
- It is a lot simpler to erect, with lower maintenance costs and higher yields.
Geotas are the Tasmanian distributor of the BST range of Oyster growing equipment, creators of the adjustable longline system, and we carry stock in Hobart. The Turner Family in Cowell, South Australia, have developed, and been continually improving this system since 1989, to a point where we know that this product will definitely survive the local Tasmanian conditions. A big part of this is the high quality of the plastic material used to make the components.
Geotas also carry the highly engineered BAYCO wire and dripper tube, for the construction of the lines.
- Diameter of 2,00 – 6,00 mm
- High uniformity of diameter
- High viscosity polyamide 6 product
- High linear stiffness
- Permanently smooth surface
- Low thermal conductivity
Proven performance in the Tasmanian marine environment.