Geotas and Geotextiles
Geotas has been the distributor for Geofabrics in Tasmania for 25 years, and over that time we have consulted and supplied material for thousands of projects and jobs across the state. So, if you need a hand with your project, big or small, commercial, or private, our team can assist you in choosing the right product to suit your needs. Our supply range of geotextiles include reinforcement layers, filter and drainage layers, conductive layers, and protection geotextile.
Engineers and contractors typically use non-woven geotextiles in the construction of roads, railways and embankments where the ground is soft and unstable. Using a layer of Geotextile to separate the soft ground from the fill material will reduce the amount of fill required, increase the life span of the road or rail structure and cut long-term maintenance costs.
The permeability of non-woven geotextiles means that they can provide excellent drainage properties when used as part of subsoil drainage systems. Typically lighter, or thinner, grades of geotextiles are used in drainage applications as they offer better drainage properties than heaver, or thicker, geotextiles. For typical plumbing and drainage applications we recommend use of our Filterwrap geotextile.
Woven geotextiles are used in reinforcement applications, such as the construction of embankments on soft soils. Woven geotextiles provide reinforcement by maintaining the stability of soil by carrying tensile loads.
Nonwoven geotextiles are highly porous, allowing water to pass through while preventing soil migration. When used in revetment and subsoil drainage projects, geotextiles are more cost effective than natural filters such as sand or aggregate. As with drainage applications, lighter grades of geotextile offer greater filtration properties. We would recommend use of bidim A14 or A19 for most filtration applications.
Protection of Geomembranes
Using heavyweight nonwoven geotextiles in landfills, ponds, tailings dams or any other containment facility extends the life of the lining system by protecting it from punctures and excessive deformation. The geotextile acts as a cushioning and stress relieving layer, minimising the chances of leakage in the long term. Needle free bidim geotextiles are commonly specified in landfill and containment applications to prevent damage to the underlying liner.
Bidim Green Non-Woven Geotextile

This Australian made geotextile is made from recycled polymers and is designed to address a range of engineering challenges with an economical and effective solution. Applications include drainage, separation, filtrations, and protection.
Geotas can assist you with selecting from the range of grades and thicknesses to find the product that is right for you. The rolls of geo come in three different widths, 2m, 4m and 6m; the different lengths depend on the grade and can be 50m long up to 200m long.
Bidim C
Bidim C is the world’s first commercial conductive geotextile, which has been made possible by the imgne ® X3 geotextile graphene technology. When lining systems are installed on landfills, tailings dams and water storage projects, liner integrity is imperative and so testing of the system is vital before it can be approved for use. Due to its conductivity, Bidim C is ideal for effective and thorough electrical leak detection tests, which can locate holes as small as 1mm in diameter for repair before the landfill/dam/reservoir goes into service.
The Bidim C range is manufactured right here in Australia and comes in rolls of up to 3m wide, it has a high UV resistance as well as a high melting point. Install does not require welding, so no specialist equipment is required, and requires only 100mm of overlap to ensure the conductivity connection.
Filter Wrap

Filter wrap is a thin Bidim product supplied in small, easy to handle, roll sizes for residential applications. Designed for small projects where the quantities required are limited, filter wrap provides the perfect solution to odd jobs and home projects where separation of soils, drainage or filtration is needed.
TenCate RSi

TenCate Mirafi RSi is a specially reinforced geotextile, focussed on providing a robust layer that will provide reinforcement, separation, drainage, and filtration. The result is a guaranteed significant improvement in road/subgrade performance with the added benefit of reduced subbase material volumes when constructing over soft soils. TenCate Mirafi® RSi performs in such a way that the softer the soil, the better the performance and the greater the savings, particularly when used with large site-won aggregates.
TenCate PET

TenCate Mirafi PET is a strong geofabric made from a high tenacity polyester filament engineered for long term reinforced soil applications. The high tensile strength of the polyester threads in the woven pattern allows this material to provide reinforcement and maintain the stability of soil by carrying tensile loads as well as providing the separation between the soft foundation soils and the granular fill material.
The rolls have a wide range of grades and typically come in rolls of 5m x 100m.

Australian made Texcel geotextiles are a nonwoven stable fibre that have been designed to provide a reinforcement for coastal structures and as a protection for landfill lining systems. Under constant movement and changing conditions, many materials are not able to maintain their properties over an extended period along shorelines, but because Texcel is a nonwoven staple fibre it is able to withstand wave action, tides, and other coastal forces. Texcel sheets are manufactured from either polyester and/or polypropylene fibres and are highly resistant to degradation by UV radiation. They are also an effective filtration, separation, shoreline protection, drainage, and cushioning layer, and because it is made right here in Australia it is subject to the highest quality standards.
Tracktex Green

Tracktex green is an Australian made product that provides an effective solution to the mud pumping problem that can create mud holes in railway tracks and ballast. It consists of three layers: a Bidim green top layer, a micro-porous filter middle layer and a Bidim green bottom later. It works by preventing water from penetrating the subgrade, instead directing the flow of water laterally off to the side of the track, it is also able to conform to the surface, preventing any voids for slurry pockets to form in.